Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center

Conquering Cancer with Liver Cancer Screenings

Learn more or 833-722-6237

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Don't Let Hep C Lead to the Big C

Hepatitis C is the leading cause of liver cancer in the U.S. and Texas. If you’re a baby boomer (born between 1945-1965), you are five times more likely to have hepatitis C than other adults – and you might not even know you have it.

Currently, there are more than 3 million people in the U.S. living with hepatitis C, but they don’t feel sick. A simple blood test for hepatitis C can save your life before it’s too late. UT Southwestern makes prevention easy and accessible. 

Advice from Our Experts

Hear from Amit Singal, M.D., about how hepatitis C screenings help prevent liver cancer.

Who: People who were born between 1945-1965 should be screened. Due to a lack of hepatitis C prevention education in the early 1990s, baby boomers are most susceptible to hepatitis C, which can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer if untreated.

What: UT Southwestern has developed a screening program for anyone with a high risk for hepatitis C and liver cancer. Screenings help us identify cancer and its risk factors as early as possible. Hepatitis C can be treated with a series of well-tolerated oral medications that need to be taken for only a few weeks. Hepatitis C treatment can lead to a lifetime cure and reduces your chance of liver cancer by more than 75 percent.

Why: Liver cancer is a deadly cancer that is becoming more common in the U.S. Although liver cancer can be cured if it is caught early, many patients are found at later stages. Importantly, many liver cancers can be successfully prevented. It all starts with getting tested and treated for hepatitis C.

Detecting Hepatitis C Could Prevent Liver Cancer

Hepatitis C is the leading cause of liver cancer. Getting screened can stop cancer in its tracks – or prevent it from ever occurring.


For questions, call our Cancer Answer Line at 833-722-6237 or email canceranswerline@utsouthwestern.edu to learn more.


For scheduling, call 214-645-6237.