Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center

Spiritual Support

Spiritual care: Spirituality is based on the idea that there exists something, be it a state of mind, a being, or a place, that is outside the experience of our five limited senses. Spirituality is broader than religious belief, and can be independent of religion. Spirituality goes further and describes an awareness of relationships with all creation, an appreciation of presence and purpose that includes a sense of meaning.

At the Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center, we recognize that meeting our patients’ spiritual and religious needs is often an important part of caring for the whole person. Ministry is available to people of all faiths, as well as those who claim no faith or no religious affiliation. Our oncology board-certified spiritual care professional/chaplain specializes in the unique needs of those with cancer and those that care for people with cancer.

How a Spiritual Care Professional/Chaplain Can Help

  • Professional chaplains are theologically and clinically trained to have a sensitivity to multicultural and multi-faith realities and deep respect for patients’ spiritual or religious preferences, while understanding the impact of cancer on individuals and their caregivers.
  • Professional chaplains can provide spiritual counseling and comfort to those living with cancer as well as their families who care for them through their illness.
  • Spiritual care professionals actively listen with patients and their families as they address their fears, anxieties, and unknowns associated with cancer, treatment, and survivorship, while asking thought-provoking questions that may help an individual experience a more meaningful life throughout their treatments and while living with cancer.
  • Professional chaplains can provide grief support for individuals and families as they deal with isolation from communities during and after treatments for cancer.

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Share a Prayer Request with Our Chaplains

Patients, families, and friends are encouraged to submit their prayer requests to our chaplains.

Share a Prayer Request

Would you like to schedule a visit with our spiritual care professional/chaplain?

Please contact Tammy Wynn, M.Div., BCC, at 214-468-7670, Gina Biddle, MA, BCC-PCHAC, at 214-645-3708, or Paul Yu-Angel, MTh, BCC, at 214-645-3431.
