Continuous glucose monitors have taken the diabetes world by storm. But are they the right fit for pregnant patients? Our expert breaks down key factors to consider when looking for the perfect blood sugar monitor for you.
Dive into the future of breastfeeding technology and discover whether wearable breast pumps are right for you. Factor in cost, effectiveness, reliability, and more.
UT Southwestern is taking a proactive stance to protect women and newborns who may be Rh incompatible during a nationwide shortage of Rho(D) immune globulin (RhIg).
Even if you get preimplantation genetic testing with IVF, pregnancy is a blank slate. Learn why you might still want genetic screening during pregnancy.
Patients with a history of preterm birth have higher rates and severity scores of anxiety, according to a new study conducted at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
UT Southwestern researchers found that pregnant girls 15 and younger face steeper health risks than older patients. Learn about our new program to support them, driven by data and community need.
Pregnant patients with hidradenitis suppurativa, an inflammatory skin condition, face a higher risk of pregnancy complications. Explore why and see how to safely manage HS.
Our Ob/Gyns and psychiatrists are teamed up in PeriPAN, a new state pilot program to provide quicker mental health care access for pregnant and postpartum women.