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Unmasking the mysteries of the flu (influenza)

Every year, flu season returns to spread viruses and stir up new and old controversies over topics like hand-washing, mask use, and the viability of the flu vaccine. Trish Perl, M.D., chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at UT Southwestern, unmasks some of the pervasive mysteries and myths about influenza.

HPV vaccine: Preventing a sexually transmitted cancer

More than 95% of sexually active adults will be infected with HPV at some point in their lives and never know it. In addition, HPV is linked to 34,800 cases of cancer in America every year. But recent changes to the HPV vaccine guidelines provide hope in preventing HPV-related cancer. Find out more.

Flu shots and miscarriage: Let’s clear up misunderstandings

A 2017 study suggested that flu shots are associated with miscarriage. Why this is wrong, and why pregnant women need to be vaccinated.

5 vaccines adults should consider

You may have received common vaccines as a child, but it’s important to receive certain vaccines as an adult, too. A UT Southwestern doctor explains.

How a recent rubella diagnosis could have been prevented

A recent rubella diagnosis is a timely reminder of how important it is to get the MMR vaccine.

HPV: The infection behind a throat cancer epidemic

HPV, a common sexually transmitted infection, causes throat cancer in young adults. Dr. Sumer explains how a vaccine may be able to curb the epidemic.